Rules-based international order
No rules for us
War criminals are victims
Victims are war criminals
Genocide is self-defense
Self-defense is genocide
Propaganda is journalism
Journalism is propaganda
Lies are the truth
The truth is a lie
Truth-tellers are criminals
Evildoers are truth-tellers
What we do is classified
We know everything you do
Veterans are heroes
Victims are forgotten
Savior of far away lands
With humanitarian bombs
Corporations are people
People are corporate resources
No NATO expansion eastwards
NATO on Russias borders
One China policy
Arming Taiwan
Poor China makes stuff for us, good
Rich China makes stuff for us, bad
Chinese firewall is bad
All US tech is backdoored
Protector of natural resources
On lands of foreign nations
Protector of foreign assets
If you do what we say
Protector of the environment
US military pollution doesn’t count
Protector of health
Gain of function
Bad food is good for business
Good health is bad for business
Defender of the poor
Enabler of Wall Street plutocrats
War is peace
Endless wars for endless peace
Our Nazis are good
Their Nazis are bad
Our election interference is good
Their election interference is bad
Democracy is priceless
Politicians are not
Empire is righteous
We lie, we cheat, we steal
Empire promotes peace
20m dead in 37 victim nations
Empire loves you
17m killed with gain of function
The war on drugs
CIA #1 drug trafficker
The war on terror
CIA #1 terror organization
Torture is bad
CIA #1 torturer
Due process
Guantanamo Bay
United States of America
Open borders
Don’t trust crypto
It’s for criminals
We watch over you
Through your phones and PC’s
Spying on Americans is illegal
5 Eyes allies do it for us
Bio-weapons are illegal
Outsourced to China and Ukraine
Surplus is failure
Bankruptcy is success
Empire is rich
34 trillion national debt
97 trillion total debt
212 trillion unfunded liabilities
188 trillion total assets
Being broke is the new rich
Dictatorship is democracy
Mail-in voting
What’s wrong is right
What’s right is wrong